
First Things, Number 249 (January 2015) is unavailable, but you can change that!

First Things was founded in 1990 to combat secular ideology and fight for the place of religious conviction in shaping public policy. For a quarter century, the academic journal has supported a religiously pluralistic society that defends human life, democratic government, a free economy, and religious freedom. These volumes explore the complicated relationship between religion and society,...

thirty-eight abortions occur for every hundred live births. Nearly half of newborn children go unbaptized. And many of those who are baptized will grow up without seeing the inside of a church. In just fifty years since Quebec’s “Quiet Revolution” of the 1960s, an entire Catholic culture has collapsed. None of this is news. FIRST THINGS has been covering French Canada’s religious terrain for two decades, and the recent fight over a “Quebec Charter of Values” put Quebec’s Catholic history back in
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